વોટ્સએપ ગ્રુપમાં જોડાવા ➙ ક્લિક કરો

સંધિવાના દુખાવા સહન ન થાય, તો ચાવી લ્યો આ મફતમાં મળતા પાન... શરીરના ખૂણે ખૂણેથી એક ઝાટકે યુરિક એસીડ નીકળી જશે બહાર....

An increase in uric acid in the body makes arthritis and joint pain more likely. At that time, you have been given information about desi pan which helps the kidneys to manage uric acid

Friends, if uric acid is in excess in our body, it starts to cause joint pain or arthritis pain. But this uric acid passes through the kidneys and is excreted through urine. But if too much purine starts to build up in the body, the kidneys are not able to excrete it. The increased uric acid in the body then starts affecting the body's joints, causing inflammation and overall joint pain.

This is called arthritic pain. This problem is very painful. A normal person should have 3.5 to 7.2 milligrams per deciliter of uric acid. If it is more than that, it starts to hurt. But today we are going to tell you about some desi leaves which will relieve the joint pain caused by uric acid for free. And age-old arthritis pain will be cured for free. So read this information till the end to know.

1) Mint leaves: Friends, mint leaves are rich in iron, potassium, vitamin-A, magnesium and folate. Mint is an herb that has anti-inflammatory properties. Eating mint leaves flushes purines out of the urine. Mint leaves also help in detoxifying the body.

2) Coriander leaves: The aroma of coriander leaves captivates anyone's mind in food. But we all know that coriander leaves are full of medicinal properties. Coriander contains many nutrients including potassium, calcium, phosphorus, thiamine, vitamin K, vitamin C. Coriander lowers creatinine levels in the blood. Coriander leaves are also considered a panacea in reducing uric acid.

3) Bay leaves: Bay leaves are full of Ayurvedic medicinal properties. Bay leaf is an anti-inflammatory leaf. Boil it in water and drink its water. It reduces uric acid, gout and knee pain.

4 ) Paan : We all know that many people have a habit of eating Paan. But if uric acid is to be controlled then the leaves should be chewed. Chewing the leaves flushes out uric acid through urine. You can also chew betel nut in the morning in case of uric acid problem. It will not cause joint pain all day.

5) Sweet neem leaves: Sweet neem is mostly used by people in vegetables. But if this leaf is chewed, uric acid gets out easily. By eating sweet neem, the dirty uric acid accumulated in the blood is excreted through the urine.

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