વોટ્સએપ ગ્રુપમાં જોડાવા ➙ ક્લિક કરો

ખાવા લાગો આ સસ્તું શાક બ્રેઈન પાવર વધારી ડાયાબિટીસ, વજન, પાચન જેવા રોગો દુર કરી… હાડકાને રાખશે આજીવન મજબુત

Consuming brinjal improves your mental health and can also improve your memory. Eggplants are rich in fiber, vitamins A, B, C, folate, potassium, magnesium, calcium and minerals like phosphorus which are very beneficial for your health.

Friends we generally advise to eat almonds to improve brain memory. However, almonds are healthy for the brain. But apart from this there are other vegetables which can be good for your mental health. Also your memory can increase. You can include eggplant in such vegetables. It is said that its consumption can improve your mental health. Also, you get other health benefits by consuming brinjal. Let us know some of the benefits of brinjal consumption in this article.

Eggplant is called the king of vegetables. Along with strengthening bones, it also helps to prevent osteoporosis, keep the heart healthy and control diabetes. Eggplant is rich in fiber, vitamins A, B, C, folate, potassium, magnesium, calcium and minerals like phosphorus. Thus it is very beneficial for our health.

According to known information, brinjal contains nutrients such as anthocyanin and nasunin that help protect against free radical damage to brain capillaries. It works to prevent neuroinflammation and improve blood flow to the brain. This helps prevent memory loss and age-related mental illnesses. Eggplants are also a good source of phytonutrients. Which also works to improve mental health. So it is also called brain food. The potassium in eggplant also acts as a vasodilator and brain booster.

The phenolic content in brinjal helps prevent osteoporosis and increases bone density. It improves bone formation. Calcium and potassium in eggplants help keep bones healthy and strong. Apart from that, brinjal helps in the treatment and management of glaucoma. Prevents age-related macular degeneration. Blindness and vision prevents blindness. Improves blood flow to the retina. Tantrika protects the cells. It also cures skin problems and wrinkles as well as blemishes etc.

Eggplants are also very good for the heart. It is rich in bioflavonoids which are essential for lowering BP. It also works to reduce any kind of stress in the heart function and make the heart healthy. The chlorogenic element in eggplant helps lower LDL cholesterol.

It also helps in controlling diabetes. In fact, it is high in fiber and very low in soluble carbohydrates. Because of this, brinjal is considered a good food to control diabetes. Eggplants help regulate the body's glucose and insulin levels and prevent sugar spikes.

Weight can also be reduced with the help of brinjal. It has a very high water content and is low in calories. It can help in weight loss. Apart from this, the fiber in it calms the hunger and keeps the stomach full for a long time. It also reduces the accumulation of LDL, which improves metabolism. Thus brinjal is very beneficial from the point of view of health. From reducing blood sugar to heart problems can also be controlled with its consumption. Also skin problems can also be removed from it. Eggplant also helps in keeping the brain healthy.

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