વોટ્સએપ ગ્રુપમાં જોડાવા ➙ ક્લિક કરો

માત્ર 1 દિવસમાં જ હાથ, પગ અને સાંધાના દુઃખાવા થઈ જશે દુર, યુરિક એસિડથી થતા સાંધાના દુઃખાવાનો જોરદાર દેશી ઉપાય….

Uric acid is a natural waste product produced by the body as it breaks down purines found in certain foods and drinks. While uric acid is normally excreted through urine, high levels can lead to health problems, such as gout and kidney stones.

Nowadays the problem of uric acid has become common. But ignoring this common disease is not good for the body. If uric acid gets too high, you can also develop gout. Then the risk of diseases like blood pressure, thyroid and diabetes can increase. Which can damage many organs going forward. Pain in the heel, swelling in the joints, more pain in the fingers or toes.

Today we will tell you about some home remedies to control uric acid. But know one thing, this disease depends on your diet. You should know what to eat and what not to eat.

Who, why and when this disease occurs? : The level of uric acid in a woman's body should be 2.6 to 6.0 mg per deciliter and in men 3.5 to 7.2 mg per deciliter. When its level starts increasing, it starts depositing in the joints in the form of small crystals and if it cannot get out through urine, this problem occurs.

People who consume more alcohol or non-vegetarian food are at higher risk of this disease. Red meat, seafood, lentils, rajman, cheese, and rice are those who consume high protein and reduce physical activity. This can be increased due to excess iron in the body or high blood pressure, diabetes, being overweight, and thyroid problems.

When to go to the doctor: Joints start to feel unbearable pain and become swollen. If there is severe pain in the toes and fingers, and you cannot sleep at night, you should see a doctor immediately.

Home remedies for uric acid

1 ) The first thing to do is to drink as much water as possible. Water dilutes uric acid. Due to which uric acid gets out through urine. Drink blackberry juice. This is also beneficial if you are suffering from gout or kidney stones.

2) Grind one raw papaya. Boil in 2 liters of water for 5 minutes. Cool this water and swallow it. Then consume two to three times a day.

3) Apart from this, its Ayurvedic medicine is lemon. Lemon contains vitamin C. Get up in the morning and drink some freshly warm water with lemon juice.

4) Baking soda is a great remedy to reduce uric acid. Mix half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and consume for 2 weeks. The uric acid level will decrease soon.

5) Not only apple but also its vinegar is a cure for many diseases. Mix two spoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it twice a day. Drinking for 2 weeks will control the level of uric acid.

6) Use olive oil. Mix tamarind juice with aloe vera juice. Also consume coconut water daily.

7) In uric acid patient should not take non-veg, soy products, protein rich diet. Instead you eat all kinds of vegetables, dried fruits, whole grains, brown rice, barley. Consume eggs, green tea and coffee.

Try one of the remedies given here for 2 weeks. But once in a while take the advice of an expert. Uric acid leads to many diseases. Hence it is important to control it in time and take care of diet because only diet can control this disease sooner than medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions

What causes increased uric acid levels in the body?

👉 Uric acid levels can be elevated due to a combination of factors including diet, genetics, obesity and certain health conditions.

Can high uric acid levels be dangerous to overall health?

👉 Elevated uric acid levels can lead to gout and kidney stones, which can cause significant discomfort and health problems if left untreated.

How can I change my diet to lower uric acid levels?

👉 A diet low in purines, which includes limiting or avoiding certain foods and beverages, can help lower uric acid levels. Increasing water intake can also help with uric acid excretion.

Can lifestyle changes alone control uric acid levels?

👉 For some individuals, lifestyle changes may be enough to effectively manage uric acid levels. However, medications may be necessary for others depending on individual health conditions.

Are there any natural supplements that can help relieve arthritis?

👉 Some natural supplements, such as cherry extract and turmeric, show potential for arthritis relief. Always consult a healthcare professional before adding supplements to your regimen.

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