High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common health condition affecting millions worldwide. It is a serious risk factor for various cardiovascular diseases including heart attack and stroke. However, the good news is that you can control your blood pressure through various lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, and medical intervention.
Nowadays the problem of hypertension has become common. According to the World Health Organization report, more than 20 crore people in India suffer from high BP every year. While 130 crore people around the world become victims of hypertension every year. Not only that, but about 3 lakh people die every year due to high blood pressure. Thus increased BP if not controlled in time can cause heart attack or even stroke.
Thus, bad lifestyle, heredity, wrong diet, stress, high salt intake, low water intake, high cholesterol, increased stress, poor kidney and liver function, lack of sleep, anger, etc. also increase the problem of blood pressure. .
When your diet becomes unbalanced and the amount of fat in your body increases, it can be a symptom of high BP. And don't worry if your BP suddenly rises, you can diagnose it with many home remedies.
Shake with ice: Shake with ice is the best solution to control high BP. To do this, the person suffering from hypertension should lie on his back. Then put some ice in a cotton cloth and make a potli. Then shake the patient's spine with this potli. Within a few minutes the BP will begin to decrease.
Milk juice: Milk contains protein, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc as well as potassium. Which helps in controlling your high blood pressure. If your BP rises suddenly, make milk juice and drink it immediately. To make the juice, first peel the milk and cut it into small pieces. Now make juice by mixing milk, mint, coriander seeds well with the help of a blender. Then add lemon juice and mix well. You can also make milky juice only if you want.
Sit under cold water: Shirodhara is very effective in controlling high BP according to experts. When BP suddenly increases, open the water tap and sit under it. By continuously dousing your head with water, your high BP will immediately come down and come under control.
You can also control elevated BP immediately with Pranayama.
Shitli: Doing Shitli Pranayama calms the mind and brain and starts spreading coldness in the body. It helps in reducing blood pressure. Hence this pranayama can be done. To perform this pranayama, first sit comfortably with the spine slowly straightened. Then stick your tongue out and keep breathing. Then exhale through the left nostril.
Shitkari: Doing this asana gets rid of tension, hypertension. Along with this more oxygen goes in. To perform this pranayama keep lips open and teeth closed in this pranayama. Place the tongue behind the teeth, inhale slowly through the teeth, and close the mouth. Exhale through the left nostril for a while, and inhale through the right nostril.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I control my blood pressure through diet and exercise alone?
👉 A balanced diet and regular exercise are the main components of blood pressure control. However, for some individuals, medication may be needed in addition to lifestyle changes.
Are there any natural supplements that can lower blood pressure?
👉 Certain natural supplements, such as garlic extract and fish oil, show promise in lowering blood pressure. However, it is important to consult a healthcare professional before adding any supplement to your routine.
Can stress affect my blood pressure levels?
👉 Yes, stress can contribute to high blood pressure. Implementing stress management techniques can help manage and control blood pressure effectively.
Are there any specific exercises that are particularly beneficial for blood pressure control?
👉 Aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking, swimming and cycling, are particularly beneficial for blood pressure control. However, it is important to engage in activities that you enjoy and can sustain in the long run.